Access sales history
You can quickly and easily check the status of past transactions with your sales history.
On your SumUp profile, select the "Home" tab in the left-hand panel.
Choose "Sales" to view your sales history.
Click on an individual transaction to view its details. A popup on the right will also display the transaction and payout timeline, as well as all items sold.
To search for individual transactions you can use the filter options or enter the transaction code in the search bar at the top right corner.
In the SumUp app, tap on the "Sales" tab.
Then either scroll through your list to find the relevant transaction or use the search function to find it.
On your Solo, tap the arrow at the top of the screen.
Hit "Sales history".
Select the relevant transaction by tapping on it.
Press the arrow keys up or down on your SumUp 3G to enter the menu.
Use the arrow keys to go to "Transaction history" and press the green tick.
You'll then be able to view your transactions, beginning with the most recent.
Select an individual transaction by scrolling to it and pressing the green tick.
Be aware your 3G Reader can only show transactions processed using the 3G. Check the app or your SumUp profile for a full list.
How to find a specific transaction
You can search for a specific transaction with the filter options. Either type the specific transaction ID or item description into the search bar on your SumUp profile or app or make use of the following filter options on your profile.
Your profile lets you see every transaction you’ve made since joining SumUp. Use the date filter to specify a time period and make it easier to find one transaction in particular.
Either select a preset time filter such as last week or last month or create a custom time period.
You can filter your transactions according to whether payment was by card or cash.
Filter transactions based on their current status to see what transactions have been successful, which have failed and whether they’ve been paid out, refunded or charged back.
Check out our guide for more information on transaction statuses.
Create employee profiles and then keep track of individual employee sales histories by simply entering their name or email address in the relevant box.
Note: Employee profiles must be enabled for this filter option to appear.
My Reports
For easy accounting, you can access and download several reports. Find out more about how to request payout reports here.